A step-by-step guide to metal cliff platform ark

The article “A step-by-step guide to metal cliff platform ark” discusses how you can build a metal cliff platform that is an amazing addition to any base. The method takes a little work but the outcome is worth it.

The first step requires you to clear out a patch of land and take note of where the ends of your cliff will be. After you have cleared an adequate amount, lay down foundations so that it is slightly above ground level and take note not to leave air pockets between the foundation and the ground as this can lead to bugs appearing. It should look as though there is no base underneath at all.

What is a metal cliff platform ark?

A metal cliff platform is great for building biomes such as a jungle biome and gives you an area in which to access the top of your base. It also allows players easy access into the side of your base or straight onto it if they can jump that easily.

Building a metal platform across the edge of the cliff will make access to and from the cliff seamless. It has the advantage of not requiring any supports to hold it up. This means no lag spikes when someone tries to access your base with a flier or something similar, but also that you can have more on top of your platform without having to worry about it collapsing on someone!

Why should you build one?

Building a metal cliff platform is quite useful as it allows you to access any point on your base without having to jump. This means that should someone ever try and raid you, instead of thinking “oh crap, they can get up here” you’ll be thinking “oh cool, I don’t have to build stairs everywhere”. It also helps with making builds such as a jungle biome and makes access to the top of your base much easier.

How to build it? 

Once you have placed your foundations, the next step is to build a frame for them. This will be done by using metal trussing or beams. Once you have placed these on all four sides, follow up with t-beams and triangle shaped bracing (not picture). If you’re looking to save weight on this structure then you can use triangle trussing instead of the t-beams.

Where can you find plans for building your own metal cliff platform ark?

There are many places you can find plans to build your own metal cliff platform. A quick Google search will come up with many results, including our helpful guide here! The main theme in all these guides is that this is an experiment into the unknown and you should feel free to improvise! This is what makes Ark great. So take off your thinking hat and get building!

Just a quick note, make sure to follow these instructions whenever you build any sort of base on the Ark. There is no need for lag spikes when someone dies or tries to access your base that shouldn’t be able to. Also if someone somehow manages to get into your base then they will have an easier time trying to raid you. If they manage to get onto your metal platform then it’s up to you if you want them trapped or not!

How to place a metal cliff platform ark?

The article “A step-by-step guide to metal cliff platform ark” discusses how you can build a metal cliff platform that is an amazing addition to any base. The method takes a little work but the outcome is worth it. This makes raiders’ job easier as they can just fly straight into your base and also saves you time by not having to build stairs everywhere. Follow this guide for a quick and easy way of building one!

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